The Mysterious Hitchhiker Who Saved My Dad’s Life

My dad is driving back from visiting his father. We live about 12 hours away, and he plans on driving straight through. When he pulls over at the first rest stop, a guy walks up and asks for a ride. Dad turns him down.

Two hours later he sees the same guy hitchhiking on the side of the road, he drives past. Dad stops at a rest stop for a coffee, the man is there and asks for a ride “as far as you’re going” but dad still says no.

He sees the man again hitchhiking on the road later. Dad’s car starts to have trouble, and he pulls off the highway. At the end of the ramp — yup, that guy again. He offers to help with the car, and together they get it running again. Dad offers him a ride this time.

The man doesn’t talk, and they drive for a few hours. Next thing, dad wakes up in the hospital. The doctor says he passed out at the wheel, and witnesses saw his passenger take over the wheel and pull the car over. When they stopped to help, though, the passenger wasn’t there.

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