Jennifer Love Hewitt Shares ‘No Makeup and No Filter’ Selfies to Celebrate Her 46th Birthday

Jennifer Love Hewitt celebrated her 46th birthday by going bare-faced and filter-free in a new Instagram post, which has since sparked questions about whether she has had work done on her face.

On February 21, 2025, Jennifer Love Hewitt shared four makeup-free, unfiltered images on Instagram to mark her birthday. The photos received mixed reactions from her fans.

To celebrate turning 46, Hewitt posted candid pictures of herself in motion, including one playful shot where she stuck her tongue out, letting her hair flow freely. She revealed that she was embracing her natural look in honor of one of her best friends who dislikes filters.

The actress admitted that the year had started off rough, leaving her feeling disconnected from herself. However, she believes this struggle is part of her journey toward becoming who she’s meant to be. Despite the challenges, she feels strangely calm and ready to let go; something she admitted doesn’t come easily to her.

The actress expressed gratitude for her family, saying, “I have the greatest kids and husband ever. My brother’s hugs heal me. I feel my mom with me every day. My friends make me want to be a better human daily.” She shared that her desires and longings include “joyful moments, continuing in the career I love, more time with friends, and delicious food.”

The star also revealed her hope for a shift this year that would bring her clarity and “hopefully the return of a little magic.” Hewitt continued, “I have experienced and seen how the world can be cruel to women as they age and [sic] yet I’ve seen the women I admire become happier, sexier and more powerful with every added number.”

Expressing deep gratitude for her life, she wrote, “I love all who choose to do it by my side and [sic] I am ready to give love today to the younger me and the older me because they are my ride or die’s.” She concluded her heartfelt post with, “Sending love to all and cheers to 46! ❤️.”

The candid photos led to varied reactions online. One commenter who didn’t recognize her without makeup remarked, “That’s not Jennifer Love Hewitt. Looks nothing like her,” while another questioned, “Is it just me or [sic] does she look like a different person? What did she do to her face?”

Critiquing Hewitt’s claim of being makeup-free and filter-free, one Instagram user exclaimed, “No makeup, no filter, just a completely different FACE!!!!” Another person commented on side-by-side images of the actress with and without makeup.

They stated, “I feel like her nose looks different. And that’s one [thing] that doesn’t get smaller no matter how much weight you lose.” Echoing similar sentiments, another follower speculated that she may have had a “nose job.” A different user questioned, “Has she lost a lot of weight? Her face and nose aren’t even the same shape.”

Despite the speculation, Hewitt continues to embrace her natural look and celebrate her journey of self-discovery. Her candidness and willingness to be vulnerable proves that beauty and self-love are about more than just appearances.

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