A teacher in California removed the American flag from her classroom and her students pledged allegiance to the pride flag instead

A teacher was removed from her position at a California school for making a mockery of the U.S. flag and pushing her own social agenda. It was a laughable matter according to Kristin Pitzen, who joked in a TikTok clip that she ripped the stars and stripes from her classroom walls because it made her … Read more

Seemingly Useless Human Tissue Proves Highly Functional, Scientists Astonished

Berlin : A muscle in the human ear, long considered inactive, has been found to play a significant role under certain conditions, leaving scientists surprised. According to media reports, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience has revealed that the Auricularis Posterior muscle, located behind the ear, becomes active when a person focuses … Read more

American Airlines plane crash: Audio reveals what happened before, during, and after

Chilling moments before, during, and after the deadly mid-air collision between American Airlines jet and US Army Black Hawk helicopter captured in a newly released air traffic control audio. The tragic accident that happened on Wednesday, January 29, and forced the aircrafts to plummet into the icy Potomac River, led to a mission of retrieving … Read more

Hundreds of Government Websites Shut Down in the U.S.

Washington: On Monday, hundreds of government websites in the United States became inaccessible. According to media reports, the affected sites included the website of the humanitarian organization USAID, which was being taken offline by the administration of former President Donald Trump. Reports indicate that out of approximately 1,400 federal websites listed by the U.S. Cybersecurity … Read more